Category: Suffering

  • Assisted Suicide: Humanitarian Escape of Suffering

    Table of Contents Relief from Pain Relief from Financial Burden Attempted Suicide Closure Conclusion References Individuals who suffer from degenerative, terminal, or painful conditions that deny them the opportunity to lead a healthy life should be granted a right to euthanasia or assisted suicide. Today, there are heated debates regarding the legalization of euthanasia. Ethicists,…

  • End-of-Life Care: Suffering and Comfort Concepts

    The central concept of end-to-life care is safeguarding a dying patient from possible suffering during that period of life. In addition to pain, suffering includes many problems: the inability to take care of oneself and a feeling of helplessness, guilt, and fear associated with the expectation of impending death. Moreover, patients tend to experience bitterness…

  • Spatial Modifications for Patients Suffering Falls

    Table of Contents Project Purpose Project Background Project Significance References Project Purpose In elderly patients, falls as a multifactorial phenomenon represent a constant health risk. Therefore, a strategy for preventing falls in the target demographic is one of the primary concerns of contemporary nursing. At present, there is a vast range of approaches toward reducing…

  • How Banks Suffer Losses After a Borrower Fails

    Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Conclusion Reference list Introduction The investment market has been affected by economic crisis. This has led to the occurrence of many unavoidable losses. This has mainly occurred in banks where many loan borrowers have problem in paying back their debts forcing the bank to sell the security at loss. These…

  • Suffering As A Catalyst For Self Improvement in The Odyssey

    One of the most common translations of the First Noble Truth of Buddhism is existence is suffering, implying that to exist, to be alive, brings on pain, loss, grieving, and suffering. Reading Homers Odyssey and analyzing the characters, one thing is evident  human suffering is constant. We might not see it, but it takes…

  • What Suffering Does With The Person’s Soul

    Have you ever lost someone you love? Have you ever felt the desire to not keep living? Events happen throughout our entire life. Sometimes in a good way and sometimes in a bad way. There are some moments which is too difficult to deal with that feeling we have inside, it is hard to cope…