Category: Suicide

  • Joel Morales Suicide Case

    Table of Contents The Dynamic of Suicide Suicide and Moral Dilemma Characteristics of those who Commit Suicide Similarities between Homicide and Suicide Use of Triage Assessment Form in Addressing Lethality Conclusion References Suicide is a fatal incident that is unwarranted in an attempt to solve a problem. Due to the high rate of suicide cases,…

  • Why We Need to Talk About Suicide: Lessons Learnt

    Introduction Suicidal contemplations and actions remain taboo topics, which might hinder suicide prevention efforts. In his speech titled Why We Need to Talk about Suicide, Mark Henick exposes, criticizes, and explains the ongoing avoidance of this issue. This response papers purpose involves summarizing new learning from the video and remaining questions, comparing the presenters points…

  • The Dynamic of Suicide

    Table of Contents Suicide and Moral Dilemma Characteristics of People who Commit Suicide Similarities between Suicide and Homicide The use of triage assessment form in addressing lethality References The understanding of the dynamics of suicide play a critical role in helping troubled individuals in coping with ideation and behaviors that are likely to cause suicide.…

  • Physician Assisted Suicide

    Physician assisted suicide is a term used to refer to the assistance given to a terminally ill patient by a professional medical practitioner who gives a prescription of a lethal dose that will terminate the life of the patient without suffering, but with request from the patient (Kopelman & De Ville, 2001). This topic has…

  • Adolescent Suicide in South Africa

    Table of Contents Introduction A psychological theory of suicide Possible measures to mitigate teenage suicide Suggested methodology to address teenage suicide Conclusion References Introduction Many social problems are encountered by different age groups within the society. Among the teens, drugs, suicide, and involvement in social ills like crime are prominent in many societies. Teenage suicide…

  • Teenage Suicide: Approaches for Nurses to Adopt

    Teenage suicide is of great public health concern because it is considered one of the top three causes of death among the adolescents and young adults (Centers for Disease Control cited in Dour, Cha & Nock, 2011). Nordentoft (2011) describes a universal approach that can be used to prevent suicide attempts. In addition, there is…

  • Assisted Suicide: Different Views

    Introduction The debate surrounding whether to legalize assisted suicide, or not, rests with evaluating whether it is okay for physicians to help dying patients commit suicide, or not. There are conflicting views regarding this matter. While some people are against assisted suicide for religious reasons and because they are compassionate of the dying, others support…

  • Assisted Suicide as a Solution in End-of-Life Care

    The following paper stresses the ultimate necessity to help the patients exercise their rights to die in peace using medical assistance rather than suffer or try to commit suicide on their own. The paper also emphasizes the stress and financial issues that the patients families might undergo. For that sake, the relevant literature on the…

  • Screening Program for Suicide and Overdose Prevention

    Raccoon City Primary Care Screening Stakeholders Police, EMT/EMS, nurses, social workers, people struggling with drug addiction, and people struggling with suicidal ideation. Purpose of the Program Evaluation The program evaluation is intended to be applied to determine if the intervention has yielded positive results and has fulfilled its objectives. Thus, three main circumstances will be…

  • Suicide Prevention Strategies in Sioux Lookout

    Table of Contents Introduction Suicide Statistics Effects of Suicide Existing Solutions to Suicide Proposed Solution to Combat Suicide Strengths of the Proposed Solution to Suicide Weaknesses of the Proposed Solution to Suicide Conclusion References Introduction Suicide is the deliberate self-infliction of harm that leads to the inflicting individuals death. When someone damages oneself intending to…