Category: Suicide

  • End-of-Life Care and Physician-Assisted Suicide

    Introduction End-of-life issues are multiple and often painful for patients and their families. People who are faced with the impossibility of overcoming the disease may experience emotional pain, despair, or frustration, and without support and social interaction, their suffering may worsen. The ability to decide for yourself when the last minute of life will come…

  • Suicide Ideation in Patients With COPD

    What was the article about and what purpose did it have? The article written by Fleehart and her colleagues is focused on the suicide ideation. This work was published in a peer-reviewed medical journal and is said to be original research, which proves that the information mentioned in it is authoritative, and all claims are…

  • Assisted Suicide as a Humane Solution

    Table of Contents Introduction Arguments in Support of Assisted Suicide Disputes Regarding the Assisted Suicide Conclusion References Introduction Assisted suicide, along with euthanasia, serves the purpose of ending the life of an individual. Distinguishing these two methods is important. During euthanasia, a lethal drug is administrated by a physician, whereas during assisted suicide, the patient…

  • Practice of Patient-Assisted Suicide

    Healthcare, is an inseparable part of the human experience, a system that ensures the comprehensive and continued well-being of individuals in society. The peculiarities of healthcare are different in each country, but specific aspects of it remain universal no matter where a person might be. One such constant is the presence of doctors and other…

  • Physician-Assisted Suicide: Arguments For and Against

    Euthanasia is an area that has generated a lot of controversy in the world of medicine, with both sides of the divide presenting some very valid points, in the course of the argument. Euthanasia refers to the act of ending the life of an individual in a manner that is painless. It is usually illegal…

  • Suicide and Suicidal Behavior

    Marcovitz (2010) defines suicide simply as the act of killing oneself. It is considered a mental condition because it is usually mired with a lot of despair and depression. According to Health Guide (2012), there are several characteristics that a person contemplating suicide exhibits. One such characteristic is the giving away of personal belongings. The…

  • Suicide Prevention in Gerontology: Evidence-Based Project

    Evidence-based project: Gerontology and suicide prevention The interest in gerontology and suicide prevention programs in gerontologic patients sparked because the importance of this particular area of nursing was realized only throughout the last two decades. This issue can be characterized as pivotal because the treatment of gerontologic patients majorly contributes to the perception of public…

  • Suicide Assessment by Psychiatric Nurses

    The article is qualitative research, as evidenced by the fact that there is no evidence of statistical data analysis. Indeed, the research is based on suicidal assessments, something that is hard to measure empirically. Its analysis is done in a narrative form or in words, as opposed to the use of numerical data. Published in…

  • Medicine: Physician-Assisted Suicide  Expanding the Debate

    Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Different types of euthanasia The catholic intellectual tradition on physician-assisted suicide Legal and moral contest regarding euthanasia Effects of prejudice and medical ethics in euthanasia Conclusion References Introduction Physician-assisted suicide is one of the issues that characterize provision of health care in the contemporary world. The practice is very common…

  • Should Physician-Assisted Suicide Be Legal?

    The practice of ending the life of a person suffering from an incurable disease and experiencing unbearable suffering as a result of that disease at their request is a subject of public debate and legal proceedings. Though many ethical and moral problems remain acute, euthanasia is now legal in many European countries. In the US,…