Category: Television

  • Television and Society: Cold Case Files Series

    Table of Contents Introduction Type of Show Target Audience Analysis Characters Overall Analysis Conclusion References Introduction Among the many factors that influence a persons life, is the television, which is viewed in most households of the world, at times due to entertainment, and sometimes due to quenching the thirst for knowledge. With the rising crime…

  • Television Network in the Struggle for Global Well-Being

    Main actions of NBC The More You Know is the broadcasting network public service group under the National Broadcasting Company. There is a large number of listeners for this service. This public service group gives more attention to the listeners who are conscious about the matters relating to the community. Their center of attention is…

  • Theory Application to Television Series

    Table of Contents Introduction Structural Functionalism Theory Symbolic Interactionism Theory Conflict Theory Conclusion References Introduction Contemporary individuals usually see movies and television series as a means of entertainment and relaxation. They watch them after a busy day at work or university to bond with their friends and relatives and forget about everyday problems. On the…

  • Argumentation Essay: Educational Role of TV

    Television is commonly cited as their major source of information about what is happening in the world. Children are the main group influenced by TV and its messages. Some critics state that TV has a negative impact on children popularizing and promoting violence and deviant behavior. Children learn a great deal about the world from…

  • An Idea of a Television Show Overview

    I have recently watched several programs and series on stream, and I am impressed by collaborations with the Walt Disney Company and NBCUniversal. I am one of its biggest fans, but also, I am a passionate writer and want to propose to the Hulu team an idea for a TV show. New York, four people,…

  • Hyper-Reality in Television

    Table of Contents Hyper-reality in television: an introduction Hyper-reality about television Weaknesses of the concept of hyperreality Conclusion References Hyper-reality in television: an introduction The concept of hyper-reality is defined as the blurring of the distinction between what is real and what is unreal, made possible through the process of simulation (Baudrillard & Glaser 1994,…

  • Television Program and Pro-Social Behavior in Children

    Children spend a substantial amount of their time watching television more than the time they spend sleeping. Over time, there has been an ever-increasing awareness of the significance of childrens television. It is pointed out that several researchers have contended that children get to learn pro-social behaviors from television (Punyanunt-Carter & Carter, 2009). The definition…

  • Lowes TV Commercial Lawn and Garden

    The rapid rhythm of the contemporary world and excessive workload make it difficult for families to spend time together. Sometimes couples cannot find time to look after their house. However, this activity seems to be an essential ritual uniting family members. Taking care of the yard can be beneficial for the houses appearance and enjoyable…

  • Television in Young Children Education

    Towards the end of Chapter 13, there is a section on television in preschool education. In particular, the ideas of the creator of Sesame Street and its impact are explored. Spring (2018) mentions in the textbook that the use of television as a third educator seemed to contradict all the charges that television viewing was…

  • The Television Series South Park Analysis

    Introduction Communication is one of the greatest aspects that make human life enjoyable by promoting understanding and interactions of individuals from similar or diverse backgrounds. It forms one of the agents that bind the society together despite the many personal and cultural differences that exist among human beings. The media has played a major role…