Category: Trade

  • Transatlantic Slave Trade and Its Effects

    Table of Contents Introduction Triangular Trade Human Toll, Economics of Slavery, and Effects Conclusion Works Cited Introduction The transatlantic slave trade is the forced export of African slaves from Africa to the colonies of the New World and European countries. Its beginning dates back to the middle of the 15th century, when the first Portuguese,…

  • Fire Cases of World Trade Center and Dupont Fires

    Background Information It was on September 11, 2001, when World Trade Center, WTC suddenly collapsed following terror attacks by the suspected Al Qaeda group. Following the destruction of this stature, everyone was surprised at first, and to establish the cause of the incident, there were speculations that the building was structurally defective. In order to…

  • Facilitating Trade and Securing Import & Export

    One of the European Governments concerns is to facilitate trade while also securing import and export procedures. Currently, customs, Value Added Tax(VAT), and duty are all handled separately, although the data is nearly identical. Customs administration using electronic means is seldom regarded as inventive as product design or factory automation (Heijmann et al., 2020). It…

  • Main Reasons for Trade Between Nations

    Introduction Numerous experts are unanimous in stating that globalization is a leading feature of the modern world. This term denotes that numerous nations establish close economic, political, and cultural ties with one another so that physical borders almost disappear. However, globalization is not equal to global trade, which denotes that nations establish a connection for…

  • A Trade Policy for Game Consoles in the US and Brazil

    Table of Contents Introduction Gains from Trade Trade Restrictions Analysis Conclusion References Introduction Trade policies are certain agreements and rules that apply to international trade. This policy regulates what goods and services, and on what basis, can be exported or imported to countries, depending on the established agreements between their governments. Each country has its…

  • The Fair Trade Concept

    Introduction The concept of fair trade is typically viewed as beneficial to buyers. Indeed, the very concept of fair trade implies that no overpricing should occur when carrying out essential financial transactions between the suppliers and the producing companies (Delgado 2013). Therefore, the phenomenon of fair trade encourages sustainable development of the economy, contributing to…

  • Comparative Advantage and Free Trade

    Introduction Countries vary by many socio-economic parameters, such as population density, natural resources, climate, technological advancements that allow them to specialize in various production areas. Due to specialization, some economies create an oversupply of one product category but experience the lack of another. Thus, international trade takes place when one national economy sells the things…

  • The United Arab Emirates and International Trade

    The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has become one of globalizations most prominent economic success stories thanks to its diversified economy. Oil profits and long-term pro-business policies have allowed UAE to create a robust infrastructure that supports the development of non-oil sectors like manufacturing and transportation and more fruitful participation in international trade (Mishrif 16). As…

  • The UK Global Competitiveness in Trade After Brexit

    Executive Summary The long-term goal for UK in international trade is to be globally competitive. One major problem is the negative trend in trade deficit during the last decade with EU members. To achieve the best possible outcomes in the short-term and in the long-term for UK, key issues must be resolved between UK and…

  • International Trade Payment Forms

    There are various methods of payment in international trade. Credit in any international trade transition is provided by the exporter, importer, bank, or a combination of these. Exporters who have sufficient cash flows can finance the entire trade cycle, starting with the production of the product by the exporter down to eventual payment made by…