Category: Trade

  • Foreign Investment and Trade Policy in the US

    Table of Contents Recent Investments Intrafirm Trade Foreign Investments by Industry and Country Acquisitions and Establishments Foreign Investment and National Security Economic Performance Conclusion Recent Investments The presented article opens with a review of recent investments at the time of its writing. The authors state that the position of the United States as the largest…

  • International Business and Free Trade

    Introduction Economic integration makes international trade easier through the removal of trade barriers and tariffs. With economic integration, good and services, labor, and capital find their way in the country where they can be put into maximum use. Increase in mobility of factors of production faces some negative challenges especially because of the economic pressures…

  • Greeces Trading Interaction Analysis

    Economic Data Major trading partners The country interacts with multiple countries in terms of trading relationships. Greeces major trading partners are Germany, Italy, Turkey, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Iraq, and Russia (WTO, 2021). Major imports Greece imports in Germany, Iraq, Italy, Russia, and China; major imports are fuel, mineral waxes, oil, technical equipment, specialized machines. Major exports…

  • Canadas International Trade Policy

    Introduction International trade strategies have changed for Canada. In fact, 2017 is proving to be the year that define the countrys international trade policy. The US wants to renegotiate NAFTA and the dwindling outcomes of the Asia-Pacific trade policy, Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), provide an opportunity for a review of trade policy. Additionally, the adoption of…

  • International Business and Free Trade Agreement

    Table of Contents Introduction Advantages of NAFTA to the USA Disadvantages of NAFTA to the USA Individual Conclusion Question Two Recommendation References Introduction The North American Free Trade Agreement, which has been in existence for seventeen years, was signed in 1994. This agreement created a free trade area between Canada, the USA, and Mexico. Since…

  • International Trade Theory: Hills Book Summary

    Chapter summaries This chapter begins by giving a brief overview of the benefits of international trade through the examination of the garment industry in Bangladesh. This chapter has also evaluated several theories that outline the advantages of a country engaging in international trade and the model of international trade experience in the world market. These…

  • The Political Economy of International Trade

    The chapter focuses on international trade and how most governments usually view free trade as ideal but may interfere with the trading for political and economic reasons. The instruments used by governments to regulate trade include; tariffs, subsidies on goods, import quotas on goods and services, voluntarily restraining some exports, duties against dumping, administrative policies,…

  • Modes of International Trade Payment

    Table of Contents Prepayment Letters of credit Consignments Open account Drafts References Prepayment The importer pays for the goods before they are shipped for export. The supplier is fully protected from nonpayment for the goods as it gets done in advance. The importer is at a greater risk since the exporter may receive the payment,…

  • Chinas Trade Policy for the Global Economy

    Table of Contents Introduction History of Chinas Economy Causes of Chinas Economic Rise Current Chinas Trade Policy Benefits and Limitations of the Current Trade Policy Global Implication of Chinas Economic Rise and Trade Policy Sustainable China Trade Framework Summary and Conclusion References Introduction The presented paper aims to analyze the implications of Chinas trade policy…

  • China Trade Barriers and Their Economic Effects

    Based on the Chinese governments standpoint, is it logical to impose the trade barrier? China is one of the most promising markets and it can affect the development of the global market. Palmer (2010) notes that the USA as well as other countries express their concerns as to Chinas policies that favor Chinese companies at…