Category: Ukraine and Russia War

  • Russians Fear Mariupol Abuse Will Backfire by CBS News

    The article provides a recently declassified intelligence summary of which the cases of war crimes, torture, and abuse of Mariupol residents and local government officials by Russia. The intelligence data was shared with CBS news by an anonymous US official. The article explains that the facts of abuse may lead to increased resistance from Mariupol…

  • The Impact of the Ukraine War on Moldova

    The invasion of Ukraine by Russia threatens to have far-reaching consequences for many of Ukraines neighbors. Moldova stands as an example of Ukraines neighbors that has experienced effects of the war. It is the smallest country in Eastern Europe, with a populace of fewer than three million people and now houses hundreds of thousands of…

  • Tracking the Air Cargo Industrys Response to Russias War on Ukraine

    Russias war in Ukraine is one of the most devastating events in the XXI century. Besides causing thousands of human tragedies and destroying local infrastructure, it is changing the global economy forever. The global supply chain of goods is one of the spheres deeply affected by the war. Due to various sanctions and embargoes on…

  • War in Ukraine: The New York Times about Contemporary Ukraine

    Table of Contents How War Started in Ukraine Factors that Sparked the War How Could War in Ukraine be Avoided Effects of Ukraine War on Other Countries Work Cited Ukraine was the vital pillar of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the main enemy of United States. The country became the second-most extensive and…

  • Putins Wrong Claim on Ukrainians and Russians as One People

    Arguments that overstate dissimilar nations proximity are often instrumentalized to provide justification for the annexation of territories and even military operations, which is a recent problem in Russo-Ukrainian relationships. This is the case for Vladimir Putins statements on Ukraine. Putin defines Ukrainians identity as the invention of the Polish-Lithuanian rulers who imposed this artificial identity…

  • The Crisis in Ukraine Devolving Into World War III

    Considering the events of recent days, one can be firmly convinced that Russia is waging a war of conquest against Ukraine. In the history of Europe, such cases have always led to large-scale conflicts that escalate into World Wars. However, one should also consider that the modern Western World lives in a different way of…

  • The Problem of Russias Invasion of Ukraine

    Table of Contents Context of the Problem Summary of the Problem Discussion References Context of the Problem Russia and Ukraine are currently fighting in the Russo-Ukrainian War. Ukraine is the second-largest republic in Europe by land extent and seventh by population (Chodosh et al., 2022). The conflict between Ukraine and Russia started in 2014, succeeding…

  • Russian Invasion of Ukraine

    Introduction The early years of the 2020s were rich in events that affected the entire global community. The world was shaken by the COVID-19 pandemic, political crises, and mass protests. But there were also epidemics, such as swine flu in 2009 and Ebola in 2014. Political crises happen regularly and everywhere, so they are not…