Category: Unemployment

  • Social and Economic Aspects of Unemployment in the UAE

    Table of Contents Introduction Unemployment in the United Arab Emirates Youth Unemployment in the UAE The Effectiveness of the Emiratisation Policy Conclusion Works Cited Introduction The rate of unemployment is one of the elements that determine how well or poor a country is performing about the established global average levels. Joblessness is a multifaceted social…

  • Unemployment, Its Types and Government Intervention

    Introduction Unemployment is among the most significant challenges that influence contemporary economies. Indeed, even global economic giants suffer from the problem. For example, the 2008 to 2009 economic crisis in the US left the nation suffering from the problem of unemployment. After the recession, Rothstein and Valletta (2014) assert that unemployment was one of the…

  • Frictional Unemployment and Hyperinflation

    Table of Contents Introduction Frictional unemployment Hyperinflation Conclusion References Introduction There are numerous definitions of frictional unemployment. It is essential to note that many of those definitions describe frictional unemployment and its elements. Frictional unemployment is also known as voluntary unemployment. It occurs in instances whereby the employed individuals have a continued habit of changing…

  • Unemployment Rates in the State of Georgia

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion References Introduction Unemployment is the most important indicator of the economys health. Its rise confirms the economys decline after a recession and leads to the diminishment of household purchasing power, which decreases overall consumption and causes a further economic downturn (Amadeo, 2020; Picardo, 2020). The U.S. Bureau of…

  • Natural Rate of Unemployment

    Explain clearly how the natural rate of unemployment is determined in a wage-setting and price-setting model of the labor market In determining the natural rate of unemployment, analysts focus on evaluating price and wage settings in the labor market. In this regard, they analyze price relations within the scope of an imperfectly competitive market. Analyses…

  • Unemployment Rates in the US

    The state of the American economy is getting closer to full employment, whereas the unemployment rates (as of 2017) remain to be approximately 4.4%. The current unemployment rates are one of the lowest if compared to other unemployment rates of the 2000s. They do not seem to be growing; therefore, deficit spending that is usually…

  • The US Fiscal Policy and Unemployment Rate

    Table of Contents Introduction Objectives Method Findings and Observations Conclusions References Introduction It is important to note that fiscal policy plays a critical role in the economic processes of a nation. Although it is distinct from monetary policies primarily managed and issued by the central bank, the impact can be significant since the government is…

  • Youth Unemployment in the United Kingdom

    The youth, according to the United Nations (UN), consists of people between the age groups of fifteen to twenty-four, with both the years inclusive. In normal practice, however, the definition tends to vary based on the political, cultural, and institutional cultures. In Britain, the term youth refers to those people within the age group of…

  • Unemployment Checks: Keep Em Coming by Owens and Stettner: Article Review

    High unemployment rates have a great impact on the economy and purchasing power of consumers. In the article, Unemployment Checks Owens and Stettner underline that current unemployment affects both the economy and employers, the government financial resources, and the jobless population. The researchers found that new jobless benefits claims have reached levels that surpass the…

  • Unemployment and Political Regime

    Introduction The political stability of any country depends on numerous factors and is vital for its further evolution. First of all, the economic factors are critical determinants of how the nation evolves and the health of the whole system. At the same time, the level of citizens trust in their government is also an important…