Category: Vehicles

  • My Dream Car: Personal View

    The car of my dream is a vehicle of the new generation. It is easy to operate, powerful, safe, and, of course, impressive in appearance. The major issue of today is an environmental friendliness. Since I strongly share this point of view, my dream car will produce no carbon emissions. Cars, produced by Tesla Company…

  • Ecological Balance: Environmentally Friendly Cars

    Introduction It is beyond doubt to the ordinary public that global climate is drastically shifting from bad to worse. According to Butler (2009, p. 4), this menace is not only acknowledged by the common citizens, but also by the authorities who should bring to an end the nuisance. In this regard, several conferences, summits, and…

  • Geopolitical Environment in the Asian Region and Car Sector

    As the second and third biggest economies in the world, respectively, China and Japan are the two most powerful nations in Asia and substantially impact political and economic cooperation within the area. However, at best, ties between these two nations are cordial. Due to the disagreement over the Diaoyu or Senkaku islands, which has led…

  • The Rise in Prices of Used Vehicles

    Table of Contents Prices of Used Vehicles Price Change Analysis Impact of Price Change on Peoples Lives Underlying Social and Historical Cause Work Cited Prices of Used Vehicles Used vehicles have had one or more retail owners in the past. The price of these cars soared by 42% from December 2019 to October 2022, based…

  • A Supply & Demand Analysis of a Car Market Currently in the News

    Introduction The article under study is a report by Chris Isidore titled Auto Sales Plunge dated July 1, 2008 (Isidore, 2008). The car market which includes SUVs and pickup trucks has been facing a decline in demand in the US automobile market. The essay discusses the reasons for the shift in demand in automobiles by…

  • Luxury Cars Consumerism in the Middle East

    Introduction Modern dictionaries define luxury goods as items whose price is worth more than the functional properties of the product itself. The luxury market continues to grow exponentially. In 20 years, from 1985 to 2015, its market size grew from 20 billion to 250 billion (Global luxury good industry n.d). The Middle East also contributes…

  • Rental Car Feasibility for Injured Driver

    Introduction The case presented here in is lieu of the knee injury caused to this individual. He has broken his left knee and has to rent a convenient car for himself. His first three weeks of recovery will be critical in terms of mobility therefore only an automatic transmission car will be suitable for him.…

  • Clientele of Luxurious Vehicles: The Purchasing Decisions

    Introduction and Identification of Key Economic Issues and Concepts Consumer behavior is a multidimensional phenomenon that proficiently influences business competence and productivity within a marketplace. In the research by Gokhale et al. (2021), the researchers focus on assessing significant factors that influence the purchasing decision among the clientele of luxurious vehicles. It is an initiative…

  • Brexit and the Car Industry Issues

    Table of Contents Introduction The Car Manufacturing Industry in the UK Uncertainties Caused by Brexit Effect of Tariffs on Imports and Exports Effect of Non-Tariff Barriers on Imports and Exports UK Government Response Conclusion Introduction In the recent past year, the UK announced its intention to exit the European Union (EU). Membership to the EU…

  • Tariffs on Car Imports in Ukraine

    In March 2014, the Globe and Mail carried a story on Ukraines move to impose new tariffs on car imports and the possible economic consequences of this initiative. Ukraine is one of the newest members of the World Trade Organization. It joined the group in 2008. In addition, it is one of the western European…