Category: Web Technology

  • Website Content: Blog Post for Submission

    Blogging Trivia Blogging is just the most recent incarnation of several practices with a long and very respectable, non-technological tradition. Diarists, pundits, commentators, and givers of advice on all topics, among others, are the ancestors of todays bloggers, going back to the days of the quill. Only the breathtaking advances in speed and reach make…

  • Credibility of a Complementary and Alternative Medicine Website

    Table of Contents Introduction Consumers Attitudes and Beliefs about CAM The Five Objective Criteria Acupuncture A Review of Acupuncture Website How the Website Meets the Five Criteria The Steps to Increase the Credibility of a Website Conclusion Introduction The reliability of the sources used in complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is an essential component of…

  • How Big Is the Dark Web? Documentary Analysis

    Table of Contents Film Summary Significance Influence of the Material Improve the Material References Film Summary The documentary focuses on exploring the foundations and concepts of the construct known as the Dark Web, a large portion of the internet that is hidden and requires special tools to access. The director attempts to uncover many mysteries,…

  • The Onion: Analysis of the News Website

    The source chosen for this assessment is the news website called The Onion. To establish the online sources credibility, one should look at the websites creator, the authors credibility, the possibility of verifying the information, the individuals accountable for the information, and the presentation of the information (Lunsford et al., 2019). For this analysis, one…

  • The Use of Websites by Transit Agencies

    Online social media platforms offer a communication network between transit agencies and their customers. It can be an effective way to communicate with users and identify their needs as a step toward establishing a client-oriented approach (Hosseini et al., 2018). Federal Transit Administration has several web policies that transit agencies have to follow. These policies…

  • Virginia Department of Education Website

    The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) website is the national education authority that serves as the most beneficial information tool to assist teachers and students in the state of Virginia. As the Music Education teacher for K-5 grade, I find this educational platform a highly relevant and supplementary source for developing my lesson plans, students…

  • Univeristy Websites User Interface Structure Redesign

    Table of Contents Introduction Main Body Conclusion References Introduction All information systems have a relatively similar user interface, which is categorized into three principal aspects: navigation design, input design, and output design. These subdivisions of interface perform particular functions, which satisfy the users needs and facilitate his or her experience (Aerts, Smits, & Verlegh, 2017).…

  • Websites Structure and Content

    Table of Contents Summary Overall look and feel Apparent Target Audience The usefulness of the site Links to follow up Other Interesting Aspects of the Site Relation to the Objectives of the Module References Summary The website primarily deals with providing information on the latest I.T. trends in the realm of business process outsourcing,…

  • OutdoorPursuits Websites Analytical Assessment

    Introduction In analyzing the website, in this case, the task will attempt to provide insights on useful approaches to make effective communication via a website. Several companies have successfully used effective communication and good web design to bring about significant improvements in the business. It is evident in the vacation industry, which from its beginnings…

  • White Space in Website Layouts

    White space serves an important role in the web layout by providing an interface for readers to interact with various aspects of the web content (Laudon & Laudon, 2013). The most important aspect is that it improves reading of the web content by allowing users time to pause for the next content. Designers have always…