Category: Web Technology

  • Best Electronics Websites Search Engine Optimization

    Table of Contents Description of Issues Suggested Solutions Conclusion References In an increasingly interconnected world, a companys website serves as the face it exhibits to its consumers, business associates, and the wider public. Website design and usability are of immense importance if companies are to achieve effectiveness in using websites to express what they do,…

  • Johnnie Walkers vs. Jack Daniels Websites

    Executive Summary The major focus of this report is finding viable and effective marketing strategies for the client website to implement for the purpose of powering their business and strengthening its market presence. The aforementioned strategies are identified with the help of detailed and thorough analysis of the website of the major competitor website and…

  • Bachelor of Science in Web Design and Development: Scholarship Application

    My life is full of numerous challenges, adventures, and emotions, this is why I can hardly agree with the opinion supported by people that it is impossible to get education, bring up a baby, and make the cherished dreams come true. Though it is hard to follow personal interests and demands all the time, many…

  • Why Business Firms Need to Have a Web Page?

    Businesses use few funds advertising over the internet through websites as compared to other forms of advertisements thereby making website adverts economical for corporations. The content of the advert is also accessible for a longer period and can be viewed by a bigger audience can be reached within the shortest time possible. Through the internet,…

  • Web-Based Shopping: Consumers Attitudes Towards Online Shopping in New Zealand

    Introduction This paper Web-based shopping: Consumers attitudes towards online shopping in New Zealand details an exploratory study conducted by Gurvinder S Shergill and Zhaobin Chen, who attempted to investigate the online buying behavior of people from New Zealand. It was part of a larger study, and the central theme which it aimed to investigate was…

  • Critique of the Website

    Table of Contents The Site Krugs rule Trunk Test Works Cited The Site The sites communication goals are not easy to tell as the home page lacks the basics like icons and taskbars that would act as a guide to the sections and subsection one wish to access. The information on the home page is…

  •  Website Evaluation

    Table of Contents Clarity Accuracy Utility Works Cited Clarity The website that was selected for evaluation is and as the name suggests, it is mainly about belief. The major topics that are highlighted are those on inspiration, spirituality and faith. The topics on faith and prayer explain how prayer can be used to get…

  • Calhoun Community College Websites Design

    Table of Contents Introduction Problem with Focus Problem with Navigation Proposed New Focus Proposed Navigation Conclusion References Introduction The design of the Calhoun Community College home page is simple, concise, and visual, but the structure and logic of the site remain uninformative. Searches for relevant information by applicants risk being unsuccessful, as the page is…

  • Edutopia Website Evaluation Using Blooms Taxonomy

    Table of Contents Introduction Mission, Structure, and Organization of the Website Quality of the Website Research Theory Closing Works Cited Introduction The twenty-first century has become a challenging time for most educators. The technological process has influenced all areas of human activity, and the sphere of education has not been omitted too. Even more, the…

  • The Evergreen Plantation: Review the Quality of the Website

    The Evergreen Plantation is significant to American history because it provides an accurate reflection of and a strong connection to US history. The plantation complex gives the visitors a clear picture of what life was like in the past in America, especially during the antebellum era. The structures or buildings at this location depict a…