Category: White Like Me

  • White Like Me’: An Issue of White Privilege

    White Like Me is a documentary by Tim Wises on his life in a majorly black neighborhood growing up with black friends. It covers his views about white privilege and the structural advantages given to white people as he experienced first hand. In the documentary, Tim wise chose not to follow the path with the…

  • White Like Me’: Critique of Racism and White Privilege

    White Privilege is a real thing in our society, its has been internalized making it seem like its nothing different, its just part of life. The definition of Privilege is a special right to resources such as housing and jobs. Within Privalage there are resources being yanked away from the hands of minorities. People of…

  • White Like Me’: Critique of Racism and White Privilege

    White Privilege is a real thing in our society, its has been internalized making it seem like its nothing different, its just part of life. The definition of Privilege is a special right to resources such as housing and jobs. Within Privalage there are resources being yanked away from the hands of minorities. People of…

  • White Like Me’: Book Review

    Reflections on Race from a Privileged Son by Tim Wise provides the reader with a very personal take on racism, whiteness, and white privilege in America. Wise explains how racism damages and effects not only people of color but white people as well. He also provides a powerful and accessible social introduction to the construction…