Category: William Butler Yeats

  • William Butler Yeats as a Symbolist

    William Butler Yeats is regarded as one of the most important representative symbolist of the twentieth century English literature who was mainly influenced by the French symbolist movement of 19th century. Symbolism as a conscious movement was born in France as a reaction against naturalism and the precision and exactitude of the ‘naturalist’ school represented…

  • Sympathy for The Devil: William Butler Yeats and Fascism

    When we slot figures neatly onto the plinths of our national pantheon, the heroic status we make often require some scrubbing before they are fit to be viewed by the public. Figures of national renown are scrubbed clean of their more radical thoughts- Martin Luther King Jrs avowed leftism for example- in order to turn…

  • William Butler Yeats as a Symbolist

    William Butler Yeats is regarded as one of the most important representative symbolist of the twentieth century English literature who was mainly influenced by the French symbolist movement of 19th century. Symbolism as a conscious movement was born in France as a reaction against naturalism and the precision and exactitude of the ‘naturalist’ school represented…

  • Sympathy for The Devil: William Butler Yeats and Fascism

    When we slot figures neatly onto the plinths of our national pantheon, the heroic status we make often require some scrubbing before they are fit to be viewed by the public. Figures of national renown are scrubbed clean of their more radical thoughts- Martin Luther King Jrs avowed leftism for example- in order to turn…

  • William Butler Yeats’s Poetry: Themes of a Poetry

    Yeats believed that art and politics were intrinsically linked and used his writing to express his attitudes toward Irish politics, as well as to educate his readers about Irish cultural history. From an early age, Yeats felt a deep connection to Ireland and his national identity, and he thought that British rule negatively impacted Irish…